Summer Reading: Upper Classmen Stress its Importance

June 1, 2021
As the 2020-2021 school year comes to a close, the English Department is excited to share the new and improved summer reading list. Although some pieces of literature have remained constant from year to year, there are several new additions to the list.
“This year’s summer reading books are awesome. We have a mix of old favorites, new discoveries, and student recommendations. Personally, I have revamped the summer reading for the AP Literature course,” said English teacher Dr. Peruggia. “AP Lit. students will now read a novel, a play, and watch a film all centered around four themes. When they return in the fall, these selections will help introduce us to the format of the test,” he added.
Dr. Peruggia elaborates on the importance of summer reading and its ultimate purpose.
“The summer reading program allows students to develop a speed and fluency of understanding that will enable them to succeed in their English classes during the year. Taking time off from reading just slows down one’s growth progression. Most schools have summer reading, especially high-caliber schools–even colleges have entered the summer reading craze.”
The list of books is located in BucLinks under the “Summer Reading” tab. To find specific reading requirements, check the corresponding class you are enrolled in for next year. All classes require students to read three books over the summer break. Depending on the class, there is one or two required books and one or two books to be chosen by the student except for students entering 12th grade. Upcoming seniors scheduled for senior selections are only required to read one book.
Senior Gwen Savidge reflects on her years of summer in the past and gives insight on why reading the books is important.
“Reading over the summer may not sound appealing, but it helps keeps your brain working while off from school. You will also most likely be tested or be required to write an essay on these books, so it is important to read them in that aspect,” Savidge said. “You may even be surprised that you like some of the books. One of my favorite books was a summer reading requirement,” she added.
Junior Matthew Roundtree has learned that reading the books is worth your time and gives advice on how to manage the work.
“There have been a few years where I didn’t read the summer reading books, so I resorted to Sparknotes,” Roundtree said. “This decision was definitely a mistake because of the essays I had to write. I couldn’t remember a lot of details because Sparknotes is really vague. It also helps to spread the reading out over the course of the summer rather than rushing to get it done right before school starts.”