Quill and Scroll Chapter Welcomes First 8 to National Journalism Honors Society
Each of the eight students inducted received a certificate of membership and a pin. The induction occurred during a luncheon held in the Benjamin Hall lobby with the support of faculty members and administrators.
February 11, 2022
On Thursday, Feb. 3, a group of 8 exceptional students were inducted into the newly formed chapter of Quill and Scroll International Honor Society for High School Journalists.
The students consisted of 7 seniors and 1 junior: Gerald Bissell, Catherine Civitella, Tvisha Goel, Evan Liberman, Sophia Liporace, Tyler Taplett, and Charlie Spungin. The inductees, along with some administrators, faculty members, and the advisors of the society, Director of Multimedia Productions Mr. Ken Archer, Yearbook Advisor Mrs. Kristen Hewitt, and English teacher and advisor of The Pharcyde Dr. John Peruggia, attended a lunch during which each student received a certificate and said the pledge of the institution.
Two students, Bissell and Civitella, were inducted under multiple disciplines; Bissell for newspaper and broadcast journalism and Civitella for newspaper and broadcast productions.
The society was introduced to the School by Dr. Peruggia who thought it would be an honor for student journalists.
“I think it’s important to recognize the accomplishments of our students, and since we have a math honor society and an art honor society, I felt like this would be a good thing. It’s also interdisciplinary in that it involves three different courses and three different departments and so it provides a good interdisciplinary honor,” he said.
To be inducted into the society, a student has to take either newspaper, yearbook, broadcast journalism for three semesters, be in the top third of their classes, have a leadership position, and earn the recommendation of the advisor.
Senior, student council president, and director of BTV Sydney Steinger was one of the first students inducted into the society.
“I was really excited to be inducted and recognized for my dedication to BTV. I’ve worked hard in it over the past four years and haven’t done any other elective, so I think this is a good opportunity for journalists at Benjamin to be honored,” she said.
Chief Development Officer and Benjamin alumnus Mr. Juan Carlos Fanjul spoke to the students about his journalistic career and the importance of storytelling.
“I really do think that if you are once a journalist, you are always a journalist. Even though I’m no longer a reporter I still write articles for Benjamin magazines and have been featured on Benjamin’s social media using my journalism skills,” he said.
The addition of the chapter to the School allows for students to gain benefits it provides.
“As a chapter it allows our publications and broadcast to enter into national competitions. It gives all of the students more outlets so students in the newspaper can submit their work for publication nationally. It’s a good honor for students to show on their college applications and there are also scholarships that students can apply for,” Dr. Peruggia added.
Each semester, the chapter will look to induct 10 to 12 new members and while there will be no formal activities or continued membership requirements, similar inductions will happen each semester.