NHS Inducts 39 Members

March 28, 2022
The National Honor Society (NHS), welcomed 39 new members under its four pillars of values during its annual spring induction on March 24 in Benjamin Hall. NHS consists of four pillars to be inducted under: scholarship, service, character, and leadership.
Being inducted into the NHS is a feat that first requires an extensive admissions process and a show of valuable character. Additionally, NHS commends students for their hard work and representation of one of the four pillars, as well as the opportunity to work with other like-minded students.
An outstanding academic record must first be kept, with no lower than a GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale to be considered for the pillar of scholarship, however, chapters are permitted to raise the GPA minimum. At Benjamin, the minimum GPA in order to apply is currently at 3.8. To be inducted under the pillar of service requires contributions made through voluntary service without compensation to the community.
Leadership qualities can be found through school activities, such as clubs, or community activities when working with others. Leaders contain qualities that distinguish them from others, such as being resourceful, a problem solver, or an idea contributor. Character is the last pillar students are inducted under, requiring cooperation, respect for others, honesty, and reliability.
Sophomore Zach Neidoff, who was inducted under the pillar of scholarship, describes the requirements and application process he faced before being accepted as an inductee.
“Besides the GPA requirement, you need to be in your second semester of sophomore year or older. If you qualify to apply, you need to fill out an application that includes your resume and a question to respond to, followed by an interview,” said Neidoff.
Being a part of the NHS comes with certain responsibilities. Members are expected to mentor other students when needed or attend and assist at events.
Sophomore Harry Scarola, who was also inducted, believes that his induction will allow him to expand his impact on the community.
“I am very excited to be inducted into the National Honor Society. I am hopeful that I am able to accomplish a lot within the group. Being inducted to NHS means that I will be able to be a bigger part of the community and take on more service events to help people,” said Scarola.
NHS is significant for Neidoff too. His accomplishment will also allow him to be more involved in community service.
He said, “I feel honored to be inducted because I know that it is very difficult to get into and know that there were a lot of very qualified applicants that applied alongside me. It means a lot to me because I know how much of an honor it is to be chosen for the society. This will help me in the future because it will enable me to become more active in the community in terms of community service.”