Dazzler-Turned-Editor Looks Back Before Moving On

May 20, 2022
Since my freshman year, I’ve looked forward to the traditions that occur towards the end of senior year. I have always wanted to jump in the lake despite the questionable contents of the water, and I have always wondered what college logo I would draw on my white polo shirt. A tradition I never thought I would look forward to was writing my goodbye column.
I was placed into “Expository Writing” the second semester of my freshman year after deciding to put off taking my computer science credit. To use a cliché phrase among us Pharcydians, I sort of just fell into it. Deciding to join The Pharcyde placed me in room 149 with an intimidating group of upperclassmen who would not only guide me to discover my love for journalism but would also become some of my best friends.
The Pharcyde has defined my high school experience. When I look back at my four years, some of my most prominent memories are sitting in the Learning Commons at 11:00 at night copy editing the paper. I will never forget running around the campus trying to take last minute pictures to fill a space or trying to come up with an entirely new editorial in twenty minutes. Creating such a large scale product with such a small group of people has been difficult, but most importantly, I will never forget how significantly my fellow members of the staff have impacted me.
When I would say the reason my article was late was because I wasn’t getting responses from people I needed quotations from, Mr. Didsbury would never fail to say “use your feet,” to encourage me to go find the person and get the quotations immediately. Mr. Dids’ incessant need for deadlines to be met taught me that no matter the circumstances, there is always a way. I will always hear this in the back of my mind whenever I’m slacking and need to get back on track.
When I first joined the class, there was an unspoken rule about freshmen not being able to write editorials. I decided to push this boundary by proposing an op-ed about unequal treatment for athletes and artists. This caused Robert Rubin to say, “fine, you can write it, but it better be good.” This first editorial is what helped me to find my niche in journalism. I have since had the opportunity to celebrate the School’s many triumphs and challenge some of its decisions because of the skills and platform gifted to me by the paper.
Molly Fried was The Pharcyde’s personal UberEats driver for every layout day that she was on the staff. When team morale and productivity was dwindling, she would grab her keys and ask, “does anyone want chipwiches?” This taught me the importance of surrounding yourself with a good support system. Even when each member on the staff was deliriously tired, we all found a way to keep going and struggled together.
During introductions on my first day of class, Jack Ramsey said, “joining this class will be the best decision you make throughout high school.” Sure, I can credit my time on the paper for my 35 on the ACT writing section and my success in AP Lang, but more importantly, I am so lucky to have found the people who have become family (or Phamily) to me.
Mr. Dids: You pushed me both morally and academically to be my absolute best. While you may have thought I was a “gadfly” when I first joined the class, I will never forget when you told me I could be your next Robert. I hope I have been able to prove my worth to you over the years. I am confident everything I have learned from you will be nothing short of wildly beneficial as I aspire for success throughout my life.
Doc: While I know we frustrate each other sometimes, I will always appreciate your unwavering support. You have inspired me to become a more inquisitive journalist and taught me to never settle. You have also taught me the importance of mentorship, and I cannot thank you enough for putting up with my phone calls full of questions and humoring me when I needed it.
To the past editors of The Pharcyde: whether you know it or not, you have been my biggest role models and are the people I will seek out for advice when I need it the most. Jack and Robert: you guys have become my substitute big brothers, and it has been a privilege to share a part of this experience with you. Caroline and Christian: being a part of your editorial board taught me the importance of collaboration, and I am grateful for all your pieces of advice along the way. Molly and Skyler: you two have become my most trusted confidants and best friends; Lola and I love you so much.
Tvisha: All I can say is thank you. We have successfully defied the stereotype of bickering Co-Editors-in-Chief, and I am so lucky to have ended the year with a friendship that I’m confident will last. Over the years, we’ve joked about our coincidental meeting at freshman orientation, and I am so glad our bond has blossomed from that. Your passion and drive in all that you do is something everyone should admire, and I know you are going to absolutely thrive at Tufts.
Charlie: It has been an honor to watch you grow as a journalist over the past three years. This past year, I had the opportunity to watch you grow as a person, and it has become clear to me how much I will miss you. You will be an incredible mentor to the rising class of Pharcydians, and they are lucky to have you. Please never doubt yourself because I know you are capable of everything you wish to achieve. Thank you for sitting on the floor with me and always being there to offer a sense of comfort.
There is no doubt being a member of The Pharcyde is challenging and demands a solid work ethic, but despite the workload, the most difficult part of being on this staff is saying goodbye.