Smiles and Suites

Speech and Debate Team Has Early Season Success

Christina Taylor

Members of the US Speech and Debate team gather at the end of a long day of debating at Wellington Community High School on Saturday, Sept. 24.

While many of Upper School students were snuggling in their beds at the start of the Rosh Hoshana weekend, members of the Upper School Speech and Debate team were boarding a bus to Wellington for their first tournament of the season (The PBCFL Earlybird).
Guided by Senior Christina Taylor (who helped by judging all day), we had ten students compete in Congress debate. The Benjamin team sponsored a piece of legislation focused on eliminating the “Pink Tax, ” with our competitor schools proposing things such as  increased aid to Mexico to fight drug cartels, mandatory electric vehicle production, presumed consent for organ donation, and elimination of Presidential pardon powers.
Commenting on the diversity of the debated legislation, the Team’s moderator Dr. Peruggia, noted, “It’s always nice to see the diverse interests and concerns of the young people of Palm Beach and Martin counties.”

Three Benjamin students performed so exceptionally during debate that they were awarded trophies at the end of tournament honors: Freshmen Kaia Huttenlocher and London Allen, and Senior Hannah Weaver.

Speech and Debate Team members Huttenlocher, London, and Weaver celebrate their early season trophies following their Congressional debates at the EarlyBird tournament. (Christina Taylor)
“We’re also grateful to Hannah’s dad, Mr. Weaver, for  volunteering his time to judge Congress at the tournament,” offered Team President Christina Taylor.
Representing The Benjamin School at the tournament were:
Seniors: Christina Taylor (judge) and Hannah Weaver (Senate)
Junior: Harper Smith (Senate)
Freshmen:  London Allen (House), Kaia Huttenlocher (House), Niko Lenard (House), Deven Maharaj (House), Andrew Palmer (House),
Catalina Sanchez (House), Sebastian Scaperotto (House), and Evan Sluiters (House).