Quill and Scroll Honors Eight, National Society Recognize Student Journalists

This month, The Quill and Scroll Induction ceremony took place to celebrate outstanding students from the three journalistic courses offered here at Benjamin; digital productions, print productions, and expository writing.
The Quill and Scroll society was founded on April 10, 1926 and since its original formation, the society has granted charters to more than 14,100 high schools worldwide.
The Benjamin chapter of the Quill and Scroll society inducted eight new members to join current member, senior Charlie Spungin. The new inductees included juniors Hannah Beam, Zachary Neidoff, Andrew Lappin, junior Zoe Cooper, Mary Chandler, and junior Joseph Tomasetti and seniors Shea O’ DonoghueChristina Taylor, junior, and Christina Taylor.
The induction ceremony was a luncheon where the inductees were invited along with their advisors and some other administrators. Dr. Peruggia, the expository writing supervisor, helped lead the event along with Mrs. Hewitt, the print productions advisor, and Mr. Archer, the digital productions instructor.
“I presented the names of the inductees and senior Charlie Spungin, our current member, gave each of them a certificate, a pin, and our membership book to sign. We’ll then conclude the ceremony with some words from Mr. Tim Burke,” said Peruggia.
This society also has a number of values that inductees must possess in order to be initiated. The traits are truth, learning, leadership, loyalty, initiative, integrity, judgment, and friendship.
In addition to practicing these ideals each day, a Quill and Scroll Inductee must also have an outstanding academic record along with an interest in the journalistic course he or she is taking.
“The students have to be in the top third in their class and must have an exemplary track record in the field of journalism. They must always go above and beyond and take leadership roles. The advisors of the course select the students to be inducted as well, so they must form a solid relationship with the supervisors,” said Hewitt.
Tomassetti, the only inductee from the expository writing course, is honored to be a member of this prestigious society and feels that it will benefit him in the future.
“It feels great to be recognized for all my hard work over the last two years and I think this honor will give me more credibility as a writer. I think that being a member of this society will highlight my skills in journalism and all the hard work I have put in to become a better writer,” said Tomasetti.
Neidoff, an inductee in the digital productions course, is excited to be a part of such a highly regarded society as well.
“I think being a member will help me when I’m applying for colleges because it will show them that I have worked hard throughout my years in highschool and have also really found something I truly care about,” said Neidoff.
Cooper, who was inducted for her work in print productions, feels that this society will help bolster the media department at Benjamin and her publication.
“I feel that it is a great way to promote the yearbook because it recognizes some of the hardest working members. I think that the Quill and Scroll society sets a higher goal for those members of the yearbook who were not inducted because it will drive them to work harder and produce high quality spreads, so that in the following years they can be inducted too,” said Cooper.
Head of the Upper School Mr. Carr, agrees with both Cooper, Tomasetti, and Neidoff and believes that the Quill and Scroll Inductions allow students to shine in various pieces of the academic program.
“I think that deciding to implement this society into the Benjamin school last year was great because it adds a little motivation to the students in the Pharcyde, yearbook, and broadcasting classes to pursue their interests and get recognized for their passions,” said Carr.

Chase Zur is a junior and this is her fourth semester in The Pharcyde. Chase has attended The Benjamin School since WOW and is excited to start her third...