New Social Media App Takes Over Benjamin


Adam Mahmoud takes a BeReal in study hall with his friends. BeReal has been the most popular in study halls.

BeReal or BeFake? The new social media platform has sparked interest among Benjamin Students. 

Launched in 2020 by Alexis Barreyat, the app encourages users to post themselves at any time of the day without filters or taking time to find the right angle.

The app will send users a notification to BeReal, and within two minutes of the notification going off, the post should be made. If you are unable to post in those two minutes, the app shows that your post was late. This notification can go off any time of the day, which keeps users from preparing. 

“I like that the notification can go off at any time, but I get disappointed when I am doing something I want my friends to see later in the day and the notification goes off at ten in the morning,” said senior Gavin Aydelotte.

Another main feature of the app is that both front and back cameras are used for the post, requiring the user to take a picture of their surroundings and themselves.

“I like that it includes both cameras so I can show myself and then for example the class I am in,” said junior Ella Womble.

Although the app has been out for over two years, it just recently started to gain traction. Most students started posting in April 2022, with numbers increasing over the summer.

“I started to be real in July,” said junior Julain Janin. “I like the app because no matter what time it is I get to see what my friends are doing. I think it is a lot different than Instagram because you can’t always post your favorite picture,” he added.

The app also includes the ability to react to your friend’s posts with a picture of yourself whether that is a surprised face, a thumbs up, or a plethora of other reactions. 

“I like the idea of reacting to my friend’s BeReals because if their post is funny I am able to show myself laughing, or if it is something interesting I am able to do a thumbs up,” said freshman Nickie Walsh.

Most students love the app, but some disagree with some of its features, including its option to retake a post. BeReal intends for users to use the retake in situations where their post has a finger in it or does not come out correctly, yet some users abuse the feature to make themselves look better.

“I like BeReal because it gives everyone a chance to be authentic, but when someone retakes their post multiple times to make themselves feel better it takes away from the authenticity,” said junior Abby Spunar.

Some students have taken advantage of BeReal taking a photo from both the front and back cameras by giving their phones to a teacher who unknowingly took a picture of themselves which is against the acceptable use policy.

BeReal is not banned in school, but teachers may not want it in their classroom since they may not want a picture of themselves on the Internet,” said Dean of Students Mr. Kevin Jacobsen.

The design also allows for friends to make funny poses with each other or show themselves doing homework which takes users away from the stereotype of social media only showcasing the highlights of someone’s life.

As BeReal spreads fun and surprise among the lives of Benjamin students, it is becoming harder to hide one’s self. To echo Janin, you have to be real when in the presence of BeReal.